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中国探险协会牛人节目:陈勇 勇闯非洲八万公里China Exploration Association's Bull Man Program: Chen Yong Bravely Braves 80000 kilometers in Africa

作者: 发布时间:2021-11-04  点击次数:0




Adventurer's Biography

Chen Yong (pseudonym Mike Chen Meng)

Global self driving driver, 45 years old, from Yibin, Sichuan. I have had the dream of traveling around countries and the world since I was young. In 2014, he embarked on a self driving journey and drove alone in 61 countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa. CCTV reported on him with a special feature titled "West Africa Self Driving Tour, China's First Person". From August 2018 to May 2019, I drove through North and South America, covering a 9-month journey of 67302 kilometers, passing through 21 American countries and regions. Over the course of five years, the same domestically produced car was used to drive across 83 countries and regions across five continents, covering a total distance of 149100 kilometers.